No Masculinity, No Fatherhood

The deconstruction of masculinity has fueled the decline in fatherhood. How so?
Why a Men’s Group?

Five Reasons You Need a Men’s Group
The Role of a Father in Homemaking

Men often find engaging at home difficult. Why is this and what can you do to fix it?
Rupture to Repair

As parents, we all know that moment. The red flash of anger has cleared, our blood pressure has gone down, and we step back just enough to realize the mess we have made. Our child is emotionally hurt—crying, yelling, or hiding away in their room. There has been a rupture of the relationship; at least part of it is our fault. Oh, man. Now what?
Ten Ways to Break (or Make) Your Small Group

Our Top Suggestions to Poison Your Crew
Technology in the Home

The best we can do as parents is to study and reflect on our family situations with the help of sound principles and practical wisdom. Here are three such principles intended to be helpful for parents as they reflectively determine their specific approach to governing technology in the home.
Fathers, Bless Your Children

However you do it, go and bless your children! Bless them before bed, before they go to school, before they leave your house after visiting you. Bless them whenever you can! A father is the priest of the domestic church, just as Christ is the high priest of the whole Church.
No Masculinity, No Fatherhood

The deconstruction of masculinity has fueled the decline in fatherhood. How so?
Why a Men’s Group?

Five Reasons You Need a Men’s Group
The Role of a Father in Homemaking

Men often find engaging at home difficult. Why is this and what can you do to fix it?